
FG Guarantee-Platinum® 3, 5 & 7

Single premium, deferred fixed annuity for a guaranteed rate of return for a fixed time frame

  • Guaranteed rate of interest

  • You choose your time frame: 3, 5 and 7 year guaranteed periods are available

  • Tax Deferral to help your savings work even harder

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Guarantee-Platinum Materials

Cover of ADV2010

Guarantee-Platinum Consumer Brochure

Download our consumer brochure. To order hardcopies, please visit SalesLink®

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Cover of ADV2023

Guarantee-Platinum 3 At-a-Glance

Download the at-a-glance. To order hardcopies, please visit SalesLink®

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Cover of ADV2022

Guarantee-Platinum 5 At-a-Glance

Download the at-a-glance. To order hardcopies, please visit SalesLink®

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Cover of ADV2057

Guarantee-Platinum 7 At-a-Glance

Download the at-a-glance. To order hardcopies, please visit SalesLink®

Download At-a-Glance
Cover of ADV2067

MYGAs vs. CDs

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Cover of ADV2389

The F&G Difference

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For financial professional use only. Not for use with the general public.

The provisions, riders and optional additional features of this product have limitations and restrictions, may have additional charges and may not be available in all states.

 Withdrawals may be taxable and subject to tax penalties if made before age 59 ½. Tax-deferral offers no additional value if the annuity is used to fund a qualified plan, such as an IRA or 401k and may not be available if the owner of the annuity is not a natural person such as a corporation or certain types of trusts.

There is a 30-day window at the end of each 3-, 5- or 7-year guarantee period where your client may withdraw all or part of the annuity value without application of surrender charges or market value adjustment. A new guarantee period and surrender charge period will begin after the end of the previous ones.